
During the precontest each pilot can process his models solo and independant of his teammates.

The WC processing stickers are thin, easy to apply, and impossible to remouve without ruining them. As you can see on the pictures below, I have "processed" a little glilder covered with dope tissue. The WC processing stickers doesn't need any othe preasure than soft office fingers to apply them :-)

How to prepare your models for processing: Please referr to The ABR section B17. You will find the ABR here: under "Archives".

ABR B17.6, a) i and a) ii:

Wing: National identification code (DEN for Denmark, etc.) +  Licens number (letters and numbers higher than 25 mm) + filled out FAI sticker

Fuselage: Model identification code (cold be a to for the 5 models (a,b,c,d,e) but the same for each model), written with letters/numbers higher than 10 mm.

Tailplane: Model identification code (cold be a to for the 5 models (a,b,c,d,e) but the same for each model), written with letters/numbers higher than 10 mm.

These pictures show how we hope to find your model marked after we apply the WC processing sticker:

whole model marked 

Wing with WC processing sticker:

wing marked 

And how to fill out the Model Aircraft Specification Certificate. Be aware that the right part is filled out by the processing officials:
